Samples Sample-02 Sample-03 Sample-04

FC Sample 01

Embedded in the html file are three pieces of text data.

1) Vertex Shader Code

The vertex shader code itself is divided in 3 parts - two fixed parts and one editable part.

Watch out for the marker comments that identify a snippet.

a) The constant buffer layout before the snippet must be left unmodified. It defines how the application passes parameter data to the function. You cannot change the parameter layout, but you can use the parameter values in the function !

cbuffer VSConsts: register(b0)
  float4x4 MVPMatrix;

  float3 P1;
  float Divi1;
  float3 P2;
  float Divi2;
  float3 P3;
  float Divi3;
  float3 P4;
  float Divi4;

  float4 ParamL;
  float4 ParamK;
  float4 OptioM;
  float4 TE;

  float4 MP01;
  float4 MP02;
  float4 MP03;
  float4 MP04;

struct VSInput
  float3 Pos: POSITION;

struct VSOutput
  float4 Pos: SV_POSITION;
  float2 Tex: TEXCOORD;

b) You are supposed to only modify the block in the middle between begin end end comments.

float sqr(float x) { return x * x; }

float Force(float k, float l, float l0, int m)
  float result;
  if (Divi4 == 1.0)
    result = k * (l - l0);
    result = k * sqr(l - l0) / 50;
  if (m == 1) result = max(result, 0);
  if (m == 2) result = min(result, 0);
  return result;

float Calc(float x, float y, int Plot)
  float3 p = float3(x, y, 0.0f);
  const float Epsilon = 0.0001f;

  float3 p1 =;
  float3 p2 =;
  float3 p3 =;

  float4 l = ParamL;
  float4 k = ParamK;
  int3 m;
  m.x = OptioM.x;
  m.y = OptioM.y;
  m.z = OptioM.z;

  float3 Offset =;
  float FaktorEQ = MP01.w;

  bool SolutionMode = MP03.x;
  bool WantGleich = MP03.y;
  bool Vorzeichen = MP03.z;

  float3 t;
  t.x = length(p-p1);
  t.y = length(p-p2);
  t.z = length(p-p3);

  float3 b;
  float3 f;
  float3 u;
  float3 v;
  float su;
  float sv;
  if (SolutionMode) {
    b.x = t.y * t.z * (t.x-l.x) * k.x;
    b.y = t.x * t.z * (t.y-l.y) * k.y;
    b.z = t.x * t.y * (t.z-l.z) * k.z;

    u.x = b.x * (x-p1.x);
    u.y = b.y * (x-p2.x);
    u.z = b.z * (x-p3.x);

    v.x = b.x * (y-p1.y);
    v.y = b.y * (y-p2.y);
    v.z = b.z * (y-p3.y);

    su = u.x + u.y + u.z;
    sv = v.x + v.y + v.z;
  else {
    if (t.x > Epsilon && t.y > Epsilon && t.z > Epsilon)
      f.x = Force(k.x, t.x, l.x, m.x);
      f.y = Force(k.y, t.y, l.y, m.y);
      f.z = Force(k.z, t.z, l.z, m.z);

      u.x = f.x * (x-p1.x) / t.x;
      u.y = f.y * (x-p2.x) / t.y;
      u.z = f.z * (x-p3.x) / t.z;

      v.x = f.x * (y-p1.y) / t.x;
      v.y = f.y * (y-p2.y) / t.y;
      v.z = f.z * (y-p3.y) / t.z;

      su = (u.x + u.y + u.z) * 100000;
      sv = (v.x + v.y + v.z) * 100000;
      switch (Plot) {
        case 11:
          su = k.x * l.x * 1.5 * 100000;
          sv = 0;
          su = 0;
          sv = 0;
  float g7 = 0;
  switch (Plot) {
    case  0: g7 = sv; break;
    case  1:
    if (SolutionMode)
             g7 = (b.x + b.y + b.z) * 20;
             g7 = (f.x + f.y + f.z) * 100000;
    case  2: g7 = sqrt(sqr(su) + sqr(sv)) + 5; break;
    case  3: g7 = su + sv; break;
//  case  4: Amount
    case  5: g7 = abs(su + sv); break;
//  case  6: g7 = Richtung; break;
    case  7: g7 = abs(sv); break;
//  case  8: Energy
    case  9: g7 = su; break;
    case 10: g7 = abs(su); break;
    case 11: g7 = abs(su) + abs(sv); break;
  return g7;

float3 CalcEG(float3 q, float yin)
  float eggx = TE.z;
  float eggz = TE.w;
  float3 p = float3(q.x, q.y, q.z);
  float lpxy = length(p.xy);
  float r = lpxy / MP02.w;
  float pz = MP02.w * sqrt(1.0 - r * r);

  //Flat Mesh
  if (Divi3 == 1.0) p.z = Divi2;

  //Dia Mesh
  if (Divi3 == 2.0) p.z = Divi1 * lpxy;

  //Kegel Mesh
  if (Divi3 == 3.0) p.z = Divi1 * (MP02.w - lpxy);

  //Kugel Mesh
  if (Divi3 == 4.0) {
    p.z = MP02.w * sqrt(1.0 - r * r);
    p.z = Divi1 * max(p.z, 0.0);

  //Egg Mesh
  if (Divi3 == 5.0) {
    float fx1 = (64 + eggx) / 100;
    float fx2 = (14 + eggz) / 100 * yin;
    float fx = fx1 + fx2;
    float fz = fx;
    p.x = fx * p.x;
    p.z = pz;
    p.z = Divi1 * fz * max(p.z, 0.0);

  //Eli Mesh
  if (Divi3 == 6.0) {
    float fx = (64 + eggx) / 100;
    float fz = fx;
    p.x = fx * p.x;
    p.z = pz;
    p.z = Divi1 * fz * max(p.z, 0.0);

  //Soap Mesh
  if (Divi3 == 7.0) {
    float fx = (74 + eggx) / 100;
    float fz = (29 + eggz) / 100;
    p.x = fx * p.x;
    p.z = pz;
    p.z = Divi1 * fz * max(p.z, 0.0);

  return p;

c) The main method after the snippet should be left untouched, because there is usually no need to change it.

VSOutput VSMain(VSInput input)
  VSOutput o;
  float OffsetX = MP01.x;
  float OffsetY = MP01.y;
  float OffsetZ = MP01.z;
  float RangeX = MP02.w;
  float RangeY = MP03.w;

  int Scene = max(MP02.x, 0);
  int Plot = max(MP02.y, 0);
  int PlotFigure = max(MP02.z, 0);

  bool PlusCap = MP04.x;
  bool MinusCap = MP04.y;
  float pcap = MP04.z;
  float fcap = MP04.w;

  float mcap = -pcap;
  fcap = max(fcap, 1);

  float x, y, z;
  x = RangeX * input.Pos.x + OffsetX;
  y = RangeY * input.Pos.y + OffsetY;
  z = Calc(x, y, Plot);

  z = z / fcap - OffsetZ;
  if (PlusCap && z > pcap) z = pcap;
  if (MinusCap && z < mcap) z = mcap;

  float4 p = float4(x, y, z, 1.0);

  float te1 = TE.x;
  float te2 = TE.y;

  o.Tex.x = (input.Pos.x + te1) / te2;
  o.Tex.y = (z + te1) / te2;

  float3 q = CalcEG(, input.Pos.y);
  p.x = q.x;
  p.y = q.y;
  p.z = q.z;

  o.Pos = mul(MVPMatrix, p);
  return o;

2) Model Data

This is the usual model and view data, which you can copy and paste via the clipboard. It must be listed between the //model.begin and //model.end comments.

Version := 2;
x1 := 64.95;
x2 := -64.95;
y1 := 37.5;
y2 := 37.5;
y3 := -75;
l1 := 90;
l2 := 90;
l3 := 90;
l4 := 90;
Range := 40;
Plot := 10;
Figure := 2;
Bitmap := 17;
AngleX := 180.00;
PosZ := 9.15;
T1 := 11;
T2 := 200;
ShowCylinder := False;
ShowDiameter := False;
OrthoZoom := 0.36;
Lux := True;
Lux1 := True;

3) Color Data

Color info is optional. This data is used to generate the texture for the mesh at runtime. If you want to preserve a special set of colors, they must appear between color.begin and color.end comments, as shown in the example.

BlindColorCount := 1;
StripWidth := 1;
BandWidth := 11;
StandardColor := 16;
WantContour := True;
WantShirtColor := False;
SquareBitmap := False;
HorizontalBitmap := False;
SquareSym := False;
RandomPaint := False;
StandardPaint := True;
MonoPaint := False;

//BandInfo := Width-R-G-B;
Bands[0] := '001-000-000-000';
Bands[1] := '011-072-091-170';
Bands[2] := '011-064-115-100';
Bands[3] := '011-255-140-000';
Bands[4] := '011-250-128-114';
Bands[5] := '011-205-092-092';
Bands[6] := '011-240-128-128';
Bands[7] := '011-255-182-193';
Bands[8] := '011-240-128-128';
Bands[9] := '011-147-112-219';
Bands[10] := '011-232-209-235';
Bands[11] := '011-218-112-214';
Bands[12] := '011-255-182-193';
Bands[13] := '011-240-128-128';
Bands[14] := '011-070-153-137';
Bands[15] := '011-240-128-128';
Bands[16] := '011-255-140-000';
Bands[17] := '011-134-048-106';
Bands[18] := '011-119-132-164';
Bands[19] := '011-255-105-180';
Bands[20] := '011-197-145-207';
Bands[21] := '011-249-096-114';
Bands[22] := '011-249-088-054';
Bands[23] := '011-255-105-180';
Bands[24] := '011-255-192-203';
Bands[25] := '011-238-130-238';
Bands[26] := '011-218-112-214';
Bands[27] := '011-186-085-211';
Bands[28] := '011-106-090-205';
Bands[29] := '011-106-090-205';
Bands[30] := '011-106-090-205';
Bands[31] := '011-148-000-211';
Bands[32] := '011-153-050-204';
Bands[33] := '011-163-019-072';
Bands[34] := '011-225-087-184';
Bands[35] := '255-051-051-051';

Look at the source of this html file. You will find the three parts. When you drop a downloaded file onto the drop target of the application, it will parse out the interesting parts between begin and end comments and try its best.