* file: result-menu-v2.js
* version: 1.0.2
* purpose: suport for FRIA
* license: GPL 3.0
* F
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* E - - - H - - - I
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* D-------A---------------B
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* (C) Federgraph.de
var git; // global_index_table;
var sot; // TableSort instance for the first table with class="sortable"
function TableSort(tab)
this.g_pattern = new RegExp("(^| )g(\\d)+( |$)");
this.upchar = String.fromCharCode(160, 9650);
this.downchar = String.fromCharCode(160, 9660);
this.spacechar = '';
this.firstPass = 1;
this.cc = 0; // current column
this.tbody = tab.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0];
var thead = tab.getElementsByTagName("thead");
if (thead.length == 0)
this.ths = tab
this.trs = this.tbody.getElementsByTagName("tr");
this.rowCount = this.trs.length;
this.colCount = this.ths.length;
this.grid = new Array(this.rowCount);
this.sortType = new Array(this.colCount);
for (var s = 0; s < this.colCount; s++)
this.sortType[s] = "u";
this.sort = TableSort_Sort;
this.reset = TableSort_Reset;
for(var i = 0; i < this.ths.length; i++)
var th = this.ths[i];
th.colIndex = i;
th.style.cursor = "pointer";
th.tableSort = this;
// attach to the th element
th.onclick = function () {
var temp = this.tableSort;
var tempIndex = this.colIndex;
if (tempIndex > -1)
if (temp != null)
alert("temp = null");
// create invisible elements for holding the sort indicator char
if (sot == null)
th.lastChild.data = this.spacechar;
this.cc = i;
function TableSort_Sort(col)
var r, c;
var cc = this.cc;
var tds, td, val, css, idx, gcol;
if (this.firstPass == 1)
// on firstPass run through all rows,
// buffer the whole content of the table in grid[row, column]
// and initialize the sortType for each column
for(r = 0; r < this.rowCount; r++)
tds = this.trs[r].getElementsByTagName("td");
this.grid[r] = new Array(this.colCount);
for(c = 0; c < this.colCount; c++)
td = tds[c];
val = td.firstChild.nodeValue;
css = td.className;
idx = git[r][c];
gcol = this.g_pattern.test(css);
this.grid[r][c] = new Array(4);
this.grid[r][c][0] = val;
this.grid[r][c][1] = css;
this.grid[r][c][2] = idx;
this.grid[r][c][3] = gcol;
var sf; // sort_char_field
sf = this.ths[this.cc].lastChild;
// sort the grid (backend data container)
if(col == cc && this.firstPass == 0)
// swap the sort indicator
if (sf.data == this.downchar)
sf.data = this.upchar;
sf.data = this.downchar;
// remove the sort indicator from the old sort column
if (cc >= 0 && cc < this.colCount)
sf.data = this.spacechar;
// update current column index variables
this.cc = col;
sf = this.ths[this.cc].lastChild;
// and update the sort indicator of the now current column
sf.data = this.upchar; // do not use sf, because this.cc has changed
// copy over data from the backend data store to the visible table cells
var desc = sf.data == this.downchar;
for(var row = 0; row < this.rowCount; row++)
// swap direction if desc
if (desc)
r = this.rowCount - 1 - row;
r = row;
tds = this.trs[r].getElementsByTagName("td");
for(c = 0; c < this.colCount; c++)
td = tds[c];
idx = this.grid[row][col][2] - 1;
css = this.grid[idx][c][1];
val = this.grid[idx][c][0];
gcol = this.grid[idx][c][3];
td.firstChild.nodeValue = val;
if (gcol)
td.className = css;
this.firstPass = 0;
function TableSort_Reset(col)
if (this.ths[0].click != "undefined")
var tableSorter =
init: function () {
if (!tableSorter.browserTest())
var tabs = tableSorter.getTables();
for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++)
sot = new TableSort(tabs[i]);
break; // use first sortable table as the only one
git = tableSorter.getIndexTable();
browserTest: function () {
var domEnabled = document.getElementsByTagName;
if (domEnabled)
domEnabled = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild;
if (!domEnabled)
return false;
return true;
getTables: function () {
var allTables = $("table");
var sortableTables = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < allTables.length; i++) {
if ($(allTables[i]).hasClass("sortable"))
sortableTables[sortableTables.length] = allTables[i];
return sortableTables;
getIndexTable: function () {
var jsonText = $("#index_table").children().first().html();
var jsonObject = eval('(' + jsonText + ')');
return jsonObject;
var MenuCall =
init: function () {
// take care of links in sidebar
// this depends on the 'theme'
$("#sidebar ul li a").each(function () {
oref = this["href"]; // original ref
if (oref)
"javascript:MenuCall.downloadHtml('" + oref + "');");
// same for links in 'menu'
// ( remove this if there is no menu )
$("#content ul li ul li a").each(function () {
oref = this["href"];
if (oref)
"javascript:MenuCall.downloadHtml('" + oref + "');");
downloadHtml: function (data) {
url: data,
success: function (data) {
showHtml: function (data) {
initTableSort: function (all) {
if (all)
sot = null;
if (tableSorter != 'undefined')
initRowHighlight: function () {
$("table.fr tr").hover(
function () { $(this).addClass("highlight"); },
function () { $(this).removeClass("highlight"); }
changeLayout: function (l) {
var dw;
var nw;
if (l == 0)
dw = 0;
else if (l == 1)
dw = 100;
else if (l == 2)
dw = 200;
else if (l == 3)
dw = 300;
else if (l == 96) {
$("#container").css('width', '96%');
nw = $('#page').innerWidth();
dw = nw - 950;
else if (l == 100) {
$("#container").css('width', '100%');
nw = $('#page').innerWidth();
dw = nw - 950;
$("#container").css('width', 950 + dw);
$("#content").css('width', 800 + dw);
$("#slcHost").css('width', 800 + dw);
$("#footer").css('width', 930 + dw);
hideTable: function () {
$(document).ready(function() {